WP_w3all 2.2.0 phpBB WordPress

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WP_w3all 2.2.0 phpBB WordPress

Post by axew3 »

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== Changelog ==

= 2.2.0 =
*Release Date - 20 Feb, 2020*
* Fix: verify_phpbb_credentials() that was missing a correct return in certain conditions, that was sometime leading Php to throw warnings and notices
* Fix: any Php Warning 'Undefined constant W3PHPBBCONFIG' coming out into some configurations
* Fix: WP MUMS. Correctly add user into phpBB, when user added via 'wp-admin/network/user-new.php'
* Fix: minor (but important) code
* Note: iframe V5 overall_header.html javascript code has been updated to remove a (wrong) commented js instruction, responsible to correctly reload any page when phpBB accessed via direct url. Hints into help install page have been corrected to be more clear/precise
* V5 iframe code: https://www.axew3.com/w3/2020/01/phpbb-wordpress-template-integration-iframe-v5/
* Fix: hints into plugin admin page