How to: phpBB Wordpress profile fields update (email) only in phpBB OR Wordpress

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How to: phpBB Wordpress profile fields update (email) only in phpBB OR Wordpress

Post by axew3 »

Hi there! This is temporary content on this post.

This will be the post about HOW TO allow user's email change, only in phpBB OR WordPress.
This is a closed topic where will be added the easy procedure/steps to accomplish with this requirement, that is mandatory since 2.4.0>

A new option has been added:
Password hash: WordPress or phpBB way
that goes to replace the option "Link or not, the User ID1 in WP and user ID2 in phpBB".
User ID1 in WP and user ID2 in phpBB, since 2.4.0, are NOT considered anymore: they are completely excluded to be linked by default (and will not be possible to link them).