Legitimate user banned

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Re: Legitimate user banned

Post by axew3 »

No, sorry for the delay on answer.
No this is not a password problem, it can (or should only) come out only if the user email or email domain, username or IP are banned into phpBB for the related user. It is quite long time i did not take a look into the function, and it will be surely improved as said very soon.
Anyway along all the time, i have not experimented (or i do not remember) and not seen report about it returning wrong results, that do not mean it can not have a bug: it probably have, and for sure it can be improved so it will done soon!
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Re: Legitimate user banned

Post by pennymachines »

OK, I think I've got to the bottom of this. Not a bug and my error really.
The affected user's email account was banned in phpBB admin by a partial match (*live.com). What confused me is that this user has been a member for years and live.com has been on the ban list for years. I assume I set it after this member joined and it only blocks new members joining from that email domain, but does not block pre-existing accounts with that email service from logging in.

I guess your plugin is more vigilant and therefore blocks the login.

Anyway, all fixed now, and thanks again for supporting this great plugin.
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Re: Legitimate user banned

Post by axew3 »

Oh, nice to know! The function will be anyway checked to be cleaned and improved to be faster (if it is possible to make it faster or better).
2.9.0 is coming, and adding, i think, very useful features and fixing many bugs.
Just testing logins etc and the new code/functions under several situations before to release it!
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Re: Legitimate user banned

Post by pennymachines »

I guess it might be best if the function just prevents registrations, but not logins, from banned emails/IPs, like phpBB.

Incidentally. the phrasing, "is currently banned into our forum / is currently inactive into our forum / contains forbidden characters into this system" isn't idiomatically correct. (This helped me guess where the error was coming from. 8-) )

"is currently banned from our forum / is currently inactive in our forum / contains characters forbidden by this system"

would be better.

On the subject of bugs, dare I raise this one again?
I still have to deactivate w3all in order to delete users. Not a big issue.
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Re: Legitimate user banned

Post by axew3 »

Just over testing the WP mums for the imminent 2.9.0.
I am deleting users re-adding into a loop of tests times and times so to check new options, and as ever there is no problem on deleting users.
I delete users from the main site, and they are removed from WP correctly and deactivated in phpBB.
As said into another post, i noted the problem you report into a mums highly customized (gulliver.it) but as said, it was there resolved, manually setting up the db connections values, using a custom phpBB config.php file, included into the


Code: Select all

private static function w3all_db_connect(){
so to pass missing values from
but in theory the problem has then been fixed, retrieving db connections values, when missed somewhere along the wp execution (i assume maybe due to some NON LEGIT reset of global vars?) by the added function

Code: Select all

# get the phpBB connections values using a direct wpdb call
private static function get_w3all_config_db_if_empty(){
the fact that you say it is still not working, mean probably that the
$wpdb default WP db connection instance, is empty? Very strange!
I really would like to reproduce so to see what's going on in your side.

And ok thank! Going to fix the text as you suggest!
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