phpBB News Grabber

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phpBB News Grabber

Post by DjPorkchop73 »

Hello to all!

I will try to explain real clear as I can what I am asking.

Years ago we used a mod on the phpbb 2.x forums called News Grabber. What news Grabber did was basically grabbed News Feeds and posted them to assigned forums as a Regular User Named whatever you wished to Call it. For this example we will call him Johnny5.

So here is my Question. Is there a phpBB Extension or a plugin for WordPress that acts as or similar to the old News Grabber? Here is how it would work.

1. I Add a new User called Johnny5 to my website. This user is AI and never used by me or any other person.
2. I would install the plugin or Extension "News Grabber" to either WordPress or phpBB.
3. I would then create a new forum in phpBB called "Recent Blog Posts" and set permissions to read only except for Johnny5's personal closed group.
4. Post a new Blog Post in WordPress.
5. Johnny 5 would wake up and do his job and "Grab" that new post and feed it to the newly created forum for recent blogs.

I do know of 1 website left in existence that still has News Grabber in action. The website is pretty much defunct but still online. He was a major player in the phpBB modding world years ago. Many in the AD&R world know him as OzzieOne. On this site he only has news grabber fetching the lottery mod news though not news feeds from other sources like he had on his old site. here is the link.

I have tried to get his copy of News Grabber from him for phpBB3 but no replies for a very long time now. Anyhow, if anyone knows an easier way to get the job done, I am all ears!

Take care and be safe and have a fantastic day/night.

If I could I would. If I don't, it's because I am lazy!

"Don't gain the world and lose your soul, wisdom is better than silver and gold" -Bob Marley
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Re: phpBB News Grabber

Post by axew3 »

Hello Ray, do not know if it exist, but it would be quite easy to do in both sides.
Anyway i warn you about the fact, that than you'll have duplicated content into your forum or wordpress, which it is not good for SEO.

Would not be better instead to link those wp posts-pages, or phpBB posts-threads, via a list of links, done in some way, into wp or phpBB?
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Re: phpBB News Grabber

Post by DjPorkchop73 »

Hello. My apologies I forgot I posted this thread.

When I think more on this I 100% agree with you that it is bad for SEO. I think it would be better to fetch the news and post it to phpBB only and exclude it from being published in the latest posts widget if someone uses that widget.
If I could I would. If I don't, it's because I am lazy!

"Don't gain the world and lose your soul, wisdom is better than silver and gold" -Bob Marley
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