WordPress template two columns: twentysixteen example

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WordPress template two columns: twentysixteen example

Post by axew3 »

Like this example, it is very easy:

Open /wp-content/themes/your-theme/page-forum(orWhateverYouNamedIt).php

you'll find inside this explain:

// Start a default WordPress page
// NOTE FOR CUSTOM phpBB iframe embedded PAGES (two columns etc)
// If you need to have a custom page forum you just need:
// Copy all the above until here, before the call to get_header();
// Than copy paste all the code inside <!-- START iframe div --> and <!-- END iframe div -->
// inside whatever element the iframe need to display (for example into <div id="primary" class="content-area"> on default WP twentysixteen theme)
Open the default page.php or template page you want insert the iframe into, to understand how to add the code, it's easy.

Here an example of the above twentysixteen page, with sidebar:
(4.53 KiB) Downloaded 840 times
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Re: WordPress template two columns: twentysixteen example

Post by DjPorkchop73 »

Ciao! Questo è molto carino. In realtà stavo cercando di trovare un modo per farlo. Grazie mille! (Google Translator)

Hello! This is very nice. I was actually going to try and find a way to do this. Thank you so very much!
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Re: WordPress template two columns: twentysixteen example

Post by DjPorkchop73 »

Here is my 2 Column attempt on my website. I still have a couple minor tweaks to make to the .css. I currently use the "Total" theme by Hash Themes. I really appreciate you taking the time to post about this. I really wanted to make mine a 2 column index. Thanks! Feel free to delete my link if it goes against your rules.

If I could I would. If I don't, it's because I am lazy!

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Re: WordPress template two columns: twentysixteen example

Post by axew3 »

Why never? Nice example!
I just edited your link, to be more nice, change it if you do not like and apply your link instead.

If some issue on adjusting the template, may post a topic and i will be glad to take a look on fly.

P.s Photography site absolutely require the new phpBB attachments images rotation 1.0.2 extension.
Faster then any other, non intrusive, preserve transparency, resolve the cache issue (never resolved before), secure.
Works now on in any way, post, edit and reply mode.
Simplify code, removing unwanted loops.

In iframe mode, there is a little change to do on code (that i resolved for the site that asked for this ext), if you want the popup appear right where it has been clicked, even on iframe.
A little addition will be done asap to make the popup customization, css/html, as more like.

You can test the result also here, where it has been installed.
The result will be this (rotate link is now a fontawesome icon):
Edit post.png
Edit post.png (15.1 KiB) Viewed 9467 times
C9E1imNXsAAv4gm.jpg (61.71 KiB) Viewed 9467 times
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Re: WordPress template two columns: twentysixteen example

Post by DjPorkchop73 »

I agree! I really like that plugin and I do have it installed on my photography website. 8-) It works really good.

On a side note, I do need to create a child theme today so I don't lose any files I modified in any future updates. I still have not done that yet. oops! :oops:
If I could I would. If I don't, it's because I am lazy!

"Don't gain the world and lose your soul, wisdom is better than silver and gold" -Bob Marley
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