Coming 2.6.9 phpBB WordPress logs/bugs/requests

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Re: Coming 2.6.9 phpBB WordPress logs/bugs/requests

Post by axew3 »

As part of logs notes about 2.6.9 and
Woocommerce, Buddypress, Memberpress

Excerpt of another post:

Ok, tested all the required, yes Buddypress go with his own way (and i did not tested it by long time) about many things, overwriting default WP hooks and filters. For example, my inline hint say:

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// since WP 5.8 $userdata added, but with Buddypress installed it return same values for $old_user_data and $userdata
// same goes for $wpu = get_user_by('ID', $user_id), at this execution time, if Buddypress is active it return old data
The profile_update hook, is completely problematic on Buddypress and company.

On 2.6.9 (really coming today!) all has been fixed in the easy way you'll see into wp_w3all.php file

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add_action( 'profile_update', 'wp_w3all_up_phpbb_prof', 10, 2 ); // since WP 5.8 $userdata added
//add_action( 'profile_update', array( 'WP_w3all_phpbb', 'wp_phpbb_update_profile' ), 10, 3 );
inline hints on class.wp.w3all-phpbb.php on public static function phpbb_update_profile($user_id, $old_user_data) { let see how all has been resolved.

One thing not resolved (that can be easily fixed, but require specific code for buddypress or memberpress or woocommerce, or we must see how it can be fixed in different way using native wp hooks/filters). If an user try to update his email that is existent into phpBB, then the email reset to the old one AND: no error message display, and the notification email about email change is sent. If the user try to confirm by clicking into the email confirm link, obviously, will not reset nothing.

It is intended that all users are paired into WP phpBB, if not it will happen (like before) when same email is found into phpBB.
These "problems" do not occurs into an integration with paired users. But could exists for example, deactivated users in phpBB that an admin forget or do not want eliminate in phpBB, but that do not exists into WordPress.

If the email is found duplicated into WP: naturally, the WP error (normal/default WP flow) about duplicate email will be thrown.

The phpBB extension tagged version 2.0 and configurable into ACP and fixed about all bugs is ready and will be published immediately after 2.6.9 release.

Stay tuned it will be (easily) cool!

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Re: Coming 2.6.9 phpBB WordPress logs/bugs/requests

Post by axew3 »

Fix not congruent behavior (and error) when an user that result to be logged into phpBB, access the WP admin when on class.wp.w3all-phpbb.php
do_action('wp_login', 'alessiow3', Object(stdClass))
return error, because the subsequent fired

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 add_action( 'wp_login', 'wp_w3all_phpbb_login', 10, 2);
was failing with a: wp_w3all_phpbb_login NOT FOUND
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Re: Coming 2.6.9 phpBB WordPress logs/bugs/requests

Post by axew3 »

phpBB user notifications

Add option:
Only get the total notifications count, of any type, default phpBB and customs types created by extensions

If selected, then just use echo $w3all_phpbb_unotifications; in this case, to display the number of unread notifications, declaring it as global, into any Php template or (maybe) some other plugin.

2.6.9 is going to be released now!

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= 2.6.9 =
*Release Date - 23 Jan, 2023*
* Fix: /wp-content/plugins/wp-w3all-phpbb-integration/views/wp_w3all_phpbb_unotifications_short.php about all remaining bugs and add latest lacking cases:, type.disapprove_topic, type.disapprove_post
* Fix: the $w3all_phpbb_unotifications global var is now initialized as array into wp_w3all.php so that when used count($w3all_phpbb_unotifications) to display notifications count, will be not necessary to check if the var is or not empty before to count().
* Fix: Pm notifications are now retrieved based on $phpbb_user_session[0]->user_unread_privmsg var that replace $phpbb_user_session[0]->user_new_privmsg
* Fix: missing default WP 'author' role added into '/wp-content/plugins/wp-w3all-phpbb-integration/common/wpRoles_phpbbGroups.php'
* Fix: Roles/Groups switches, see related option hints, the linked help page and '/wp-content/plugins/wp-w3all-phpbb-integration/common/wpRoles_phpbbGroups.php'
* Fix: wrong hint about Author/Editor, related to "Switch the WP user to specified Group in phpBB, when Role updated in WordPress or vice versa" option
* Fix: Buddypress, Memberpress and Woocommerce registration, pass update, email change flows.
* Fix: minor fixes all around.
* Note: read this about Buddypress, Memberpress and Woocommerce:
* Add: option Only get the total notifications count, of any type, default phpBB and customs types created by extensions. If selected, then just use echo $w3all_phpbb_unotifications; in this case, to display the number of unread notifications, declaring it as global, into any Php template or (maybe) some other plugin.
* Remove: an obsolete function.
* More logs, please read:
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Re: Coming 2.6.9 phpBB WordPress logs/bugs/requests

Post by axew3 »

2.6.9 has been released.
Enjoy lovely and cool people!
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