Ultimate Members Avatars/Login tips & tricks

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Ultimate Members Avatars/Login tips & tricks

Post by axew3 »


Note that doing a login using the front end Ultimate Member plugin Login Page, you'll be redirected to the same page that maybe will display the error message: Password is incorrect. Please try again. (or another one if you reload the page), despite the user is actually logged in.
So to check that the user is correctly logged in, you can move to another wp page (maybe the user's account page) and see that it is (user logged in). A proper redirect would solve the issue, or i will maybe i will take a look on how to fix this issue asap.
Fixed on 2.8.3


Ultimate Member use his own way to fire the WP get_avatar filter on file
line 45

Code: Select all

add_filter( 'get_avatar', 'um_get_avatar', 99999, 5 );
in fact, if you comment out the line like this:

Code: Select all

#add_filter( 'get_avatar', 'um_get_avatar', 99999, 5 );
you'll see that the avatar will display, also on UM profile, the correct result (in this example an uploaded image as avatar in phpBB).
Actually i've try to move the integration plugin get_avatar filter call, after the UM call, so to avoid the user's url avatar overwrite.
Fixed on 2.8.3

screenshot-localhost-umProfile.png (76.69 KiB) Viewed 1219 times