Working on edit, post, reply mode and viewtopic (when/if quick-reply). Light, secure.
1.0.5 has been released:
updated 27 Oct 2023
On github: ... s-rotation
On github: ... s-rotation
Old versions are here:
Note if updating: before to proceed, you'll have to disable the previous Attachments Rotation 1.0.3 extension into ACP Extensions Manager, and delete extension data.
Then remove the folder /ext/w3all/imageattachrotation,
so follow installing the new 1.0.4
Copy the "w3all" folder into phpBB/ext/
So you'll have: phpBB/ext/w3all/w3imagerotation
Go to "ACP" > "Customise" > "Extensions" and enable the "Attachments images rotation" extension
How do i can style the rotation popup?
It should fit your theme, anyway you can easily change and style it into:
(note that you (maybe) do NOT have to change w3classes and w3ids for html elements, or the javascript code will not work)
Code: Select all
<div id="w3rPopup" class="w3rPopupContainer text-center inputbox" style="display:none">
<table class="w3wrapTABC">
<tr><td class="w3wrapTDC">
<div class="w3divContainer">
<div class="w3divCont"><strong>{{ lang('W3POPUP_TEXTEXPLAIN') }}</strong></div>
<div class="w3divimg"><img id="w3-img-rotate" src="" onclick="w3rotateByDeg(this);" /></div>
<div class="w3divCont"><button class="w3divCont button" type="submit" id="w3btn" onclick="w3sendThis(document.getElementById('w3-img-rotate'));">{{ lang('W3POPUP_BUTTONTEXT') }}</button></div>
How do i can choose to prepend or append the rotate icon?
search for line (+- on top):
Code: Select all
var Pw3A = 1; // 0 Append icon, 1 Prepend icon (require to rebuild the phpBB template)