Full uninstallation procedure

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Full uninstallation procedure

Post by FTP »


I've installed WP w3all and everything is working well.
So I've documented what I did.

But, I also want to document how to uninstall it now that I have everything in mind (just in case I need one day).
However, the only documentation I found is this post...

But it's not listing everything.
So here is my list...

On WordPress side
  • Deactivate and then Delete the WP w3all plugin,
  • Trash the page used to display the forum,
  • Delete the page-forumPageName.php file in the WordPress /wp-content/themes/themeName/ folder,
  • Reset the admin password on WordPress.
    Explanations: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=679.
On phpBB side
Anything missing? Other data, code or file (css, js, php, etc.) to remove? :)
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Re: Full uninstallation procedure

Post by axew3 »

You are right!

WP side:
Uninstall/remove the plugin (that will remove just some option in wp_options table, that's all what this plugin use).
Remove the page forum if you used it for the iframe and you want remove this not more useful WP page.

phpBB side:
Nothing to do, except the js code that if you added into phpBB overall_footer.html and/or overall_header.html for the WP iframed page, you can remove it.
Just remove, and recompile the phpBB template.
May remove also the js resizer file you added into phpBB root, that's not more useful.

That's all about, the plugin do not change nothing in WP or phpBB except password aspect, do not alter any table except adding some row into Wp options (3/10 rows at max with all options activated), that are completely cleaned up when you uninstall it.

The password

All password are hashed using the phpBB bcript library once plugin used as linked users.
Wordpress without the plugin will not recognize the password and users will have to reset the password if they logged in while plugin active as linked users.

This aspect, will soon rewrite to:
1) offer option, to not change password hash in wordpress: useful for the scenario where your users will only login in WP side because you configure things to be in this way (users login only in wp side).
In this case will not be necessary to hash pass as phpBB like because you let users login also in phpBB. If users login only in WP side, there is no need to re-hash the password.

2) offer a mini plugin in WP that once integration plugin uninstalled,
still let users login with phpBB hashed pass: when users will reset the pass, the pass will be reset to be hashed in the WP way again.
So after some time, when users will have reset their password, you'll remove.

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