Phpbb doesn't show on page created for it

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Phpbb doesn't show on page created for it

Post by Abes »

Hi Guys - my first attempt at getting this plugin to work and I really want it to work - so please help :)

I am using the Astra WP theme.
I am building my WP website on localhost with a view to transferring it to the server once fully functional
In W3all setup my URL is set to localhost - is this okay?
The absolute path is fine (green)

I created a new page in WP titled MyForum, in W3all settings where I create the embedding template the page name is identical. After creating the template it is visible in the theme directory as page-MyForum.php

Upon previewing the MyForum page in WP I get a page with the site header appearing twice (one under the other) and the footer - no sign of phpBB

What have I done wrong or what could be the problem?
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Re: Phpbb doesn't show on page created for it

Post by axew3 »

Ok, so, let resume with example procedure:
-> you created a page named forums (or something different from the folder name, where phpBB reside) in Wordpress, and leaved it blank, just named forums
-> then you build the page forums, into wp_w3all plugin admin page (iframe section). At this point, you should have a page-forums.php file into your active template folder. If it is not, just copy the file /wp-content/plugins/wp-w3all-phpbb-integration/addons/page-forum.php and paste it into your active template folder, rename it into what you setup as name the wordpress page and the name of the forum page into plugin admin, so forums in this case, then page-forums.php.
At this point, you'll need also to apply this procedure about iframe: ... iframe-v3/
Done this, when you open you should have the correct result, but, to fit your template, may you'll have to do this:
open with text editor the page-forums.php you created or pasted into template folder, and follow inline instructions on HOW to build a custom page-forum, adapting it to any template.
If the last step is too hard for you, may reply with your entire template page code, you'll see soon how to setup the joke.
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Re: Phpbb doesn't show on page created for it

Post by Abes »

Thanks for the quick response. I followed the instructions and got the forum to display in my WP page but then the height of the forum display is restricted. I then followed the instructions as per the link provided above to correct the iframe height issue, without success.

Is the iframe height issue linked to the use of a theme, like in my case the Astra theme?
Would I have the same iframe height issue if used a WP theme like twenty nineteen?

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Re: Phpbb doesn't show on page created for it

Post by axew3 »

no, it is normally caused by the fact, that something is wrong into iframe js code you added, where you need to adjust values as inline js code explain.
If the site is online and you provide the link, i can in short understand what's wrong, if not, check this short list:

do you added the iframeResizer.contentWindow.min.js file into your phpBB root?
do you changed last line into overall_footer.html code you added, to point to this file, where

Code: Select all

<script type="text/javascript" src="https://localhost/root_integrations/phpbb323/iframeResizer.contentWindow.min.js" defer></script>
do you changed the values where in the code overall_footer.html code you added:

Code: Select all

document.domain = ''; // MANDATORY! // Set/Change this value to fit your domain (example: (or leave localhost if on localhost)) 
var wordpress_url_page_forum = 'https://localhost/wp5/forum'; // MANDATORY! // (DO NOT ADD/INCLUDE final slash here) Url that point to your iframed wordpress forum page
did you rebuilt then, phpBB template to modifications take effect?
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Re: Phpbb doesn't show on page created for it

Post by axew3 »

p.s and to be sure it resize correctly to the needed height, you'll may also find useful this, after:
how to resize for any theme:
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