Upgrade Confusion

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Upgrade Confusion

Post by DjPorkchop73 »

Sorry for my confusion. I feel as though by now I should know the answer but what method have I used to install my original install? 2..3.x

All users match email and usernames and all login and register is done via phpBB. Users are added to WordPress afrer phpBB registration. I never did the force trick. I only used the iframe. So is that phpBB to WordPress (I probably just answered my own question)? Or is it WordPress to phpBB?

If I am phpBB to WordPress, do I still not allow email updates in phpBB by shutting that profile option off?

Sorry for my confusion. I had no trouble at all installing the 2.3 series but I am having issues trying to follow the 2.4 for some reason. :oops:
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Re: Upgrade Confusion

Post by axew3 »

Hello dear!

With no mismatching email/usernames pairs between wp/phpBB you can let users register only in phpBB, and if you like this way you have to be sure that when an user register in phpBB, his username will contain only allowed characters in wp, so when will be added in wordpress will be exactly the same and not purged of some unwanted chars (allow letters, numbers and spaces for phpBB), resulting after into an integration with mismatching usernames/email pairs.

When an email update happen in phpBB, and then the user come in wordpress, the code will check for matching email, that since it is changed in phpBB will not match anymore for the user. At this time and this case, the code check so for username: if it is found, then the update will occur based on username. So you can argue that usernames NEED to match in this case, or an update will occur based on data of some other user.

If there are users with mismatching email/usernames pairs you need to leave users to update email and register only in wordpress, because if not, an user could register in phpBB with an username that do not exist in phpBB, but exist in wordpress, because purged.

Ex : phpBB user %$£ABCD will be in wordpress ABCD: so what about if an user register in phpBB as ABCD because it do not exist in phpBB?

It is important to understand that the code run only in wordpress, so while if you let register/update users only in wordpress, the code check at same time and update at same time in phpBB. When user register in wordpress, the code check if there is an existing email or username in phpBB vefore to create the user. This can't be in phpBB side.
This is NOT the same when you let do the same in phpBB. This explain the above. This is the point.

If still something not clear or there is some mismatch in logic you note, please let know
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