WP Super cache - how to setup it to properly work with

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WP Super cache - how to setup it to properly work with

Post by axew3 »

NOTE THAT SINCE 2.6.5 > the problem has been fixed for any cache plugin, using any setting. Cache plugins works fine with any setting now.

so the following is OBSOLETE since 2.5.6>

Just noted into a site, that is running WP Super Cache a problem.
Since into this site user's can login both into phpBB and wp, when users login into phpBB,
then they come into wordpress, are not recognized at all, simply, the wp_w3all plugin DO NOT RUN into frontend.
You can note that if the user, with phpBB valid cookies, points to wp-admin, it is correctly logged in.

To fix this it is necessary the follow:
Go To:
WP Super Cache Settings -> Advanced (tab)
Cache restrictions ->
Activate this option:
Disable caching for visitors who have a cookie set in their browser.

or the integration plugin will NOT RUN into frontend, it is totally totally excluded, like deactivated.

Screenshot 2021-12-03 at 19-38-22 WP Super Cache ‹ Wilmott — WordPress.png
Screenshot 2021-12-03 at 19-38-22 WP Super Cache ‹ Wilmott — WordPress.png (17.79 KiB) Viewed 6452 times