Display Only First Post phpBB extension

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Display Only First Post phpBB extension

Post by axew3 »

Display Only the First Post to specified groups, into specified forums, and optionally append a custom html content to the post

Note that since 1.0.5 the replacement content can be BBCode and NOT HTML

Download the extension

phpBB Display Only First Post 1.0.4 (prepend HTML content)
note that the provided html markup need to be with NO white spaces between tags and NO carriage returns

https://github.com/axew3/phpbb-display- ... /1.0.4.zip

Copy the extension into
Go to "ACP" > "Customise" > "Extensions" and enable the "Display Only First Post" extension.
Set Groups, Forums IDS and Custom Content options into the related extension ACP settings page

All releases: https://github.com/axew3/phpbb-display- ... t/releases
Note that since 1.0.5 the replacement content can be BBCode and NOT HTML
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