Migrating from BridgeDD Pro to W3all

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Migrating from BridgeDD Pro to W3all

Post by Demigravit »


I got a question,

Our website has around 5000 registered accounts. We are currently using BridgeDD Pro plugin to sync phpbb forum users to our WordPress installation. We need to replace the plugin because the developer has sold it and the future is very unsure. We are looking for a alternative and are interessed in your plugin.

We need to be sure that our current users can still login into the phpbb and website after the migration.
Could you please advice us?

Many thanks and regards,
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Re: Migrating from BridgeDD Pro to W3all

Post by axew3 »

Do not know the scenario you are on, but with this plugin, and the phpBB extension if you want to use it because you'll let users to update emails and login also into phpBB, you can easily accomplish to any possible. You'll realize that there are really many ways to integrate, and with only the plugin, or both the WP plugin and the phpBB extension you have all the necessary ready.

Yes users should be able to login with (any) old passwords into WP, may not in phpBB if the plugin you mention hashed passwords in a way that phpBB do not will recognize.

Anyway remember that you can always return back because this plugin do not add/modify
in any way into your WordPress or phpBB.
Just activate and test an user and if any question or still in trouble just post!

https://www.axew3.com/w3/wordpress-phpb ... n-install/
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