Images not showing on Wordpress

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Re: Images not showing on Wordpress

Post by ale »

Yes, but it is old code I did not take a look into by years now. As I will be in place later, the related file (that can also be customized as more like) will be checked and I will be in reply here.
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Re: Images not showing on Wordpress

Post by Peerke »

Thank you, you guys are really great!

I have another wish; I would like to make the list of recent topics a bit more compact.
Like in this example; voorbeeld.png voorbeeld.png (61.16 KiB) Viewed 497 times
So I would like to hide the date/time and author. Is there a simple option for that? Or do I have to dive into the code?

Sorry for all my questions, but thank you very much in advance!
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Re: Images not showing on Wordpress

Post by axew3 »

Peerke wrote: Sat Jul 06, 2024 3:13 pm Another question;
Is there a solution to automatic resize the images when display the post with images? (w3allastopicswithimage)
So i just looked into the file
i maybe understand the reason of your question about image dimension because as it was, images are very big, and going outside the screen?
I just fixed it as you can see here, with a more decent result: ... tachments/

To fix it like this, i just changed this line

Code: Select all

echo '<a style="border:0;margin:0;text-decoration:none;color:transparent" href="'.$w3all_url_to_cms.'/download/file.php?id='.$w3topic->attach_id.'&TB_iframe=true" class="thickbox"><img alt="'.$w3topic->topic_title.'" src="'.$w3all_url_to_cms.'/download/file.php?id='.$w3topic->attach_id.'" /></a>
into this:

Code: Select all

echo '<a style="border:0;margin:0;text-decoration:none;color:transparent" href="'.$w3all_url_to_cms.'/download/file.php?id='.$w3topic->attach_id.'&TB_iframe=true" class="thickbox"><img style="width:100%" alt="'.$w3topic->topic_title.'" src="'.$w3all_url_to_cms.'/download/file.php?id='.$w3topic->attach_id.'" /></a>
so substantially adding style="width:100%" to the img tag.

Without this, i seen that images were too big. The result is the above now into gutenberg or common themes.

I also see that the addition of the shortcode on posts or pages, when we try to add it and the phpBB posts to be retrieved are not found into the specified phpBB cat, the page/post update on WP fall into a JSON error (and even if the shortcode is added and the page created, the error come out). It has been fixed, and 2.8.8 is coming probably within tomorrow fixed about this.

It is a big mess this file
that works very well, but i understand that to be customized maybe is not so easy, especially because full of unwanted things on it.
It will be soon cleaned and improved.
I have another wish; I would like to make the list of recent topics a bit more compact.
all files into the views folder can be customized as more like, and to not loose changes when the plugin will update, you should activate the option
Use custom files to display Last Topics Widgets, Login Widget and Shortcodes
and read inline hints.

Which last topics are you using? The block on gutenberg, the shortcode or the widget?
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Re: Images not showing on Wordpress

Post by axew3 »

Into this example, i did yesterday on fly, the text and image link etc appear on bottom, not on the right.
Into this test example file, you can see that it have been added a var that will be option into next plugin 2.8.8.
Display RIGHT or BOTTOM.
It seem a good param to be added.

It also have the js injected so to center the image into the popup (you'll see the image move to the center as it have been loaded).
But i figured out that there is another way to do the trick, i will complete the code asap, in the while, it is an "indecently fixed" version that work ok. In this case, testing it into a very little screen, it simply return a nice result, or the css require a good rewrite to make it display elements as they need to be on more complex and sophisticated ways
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Re: Images not showing on Wordpress

Post by Peerke »

Thanks for all help! It works!

1 other question.
I build now phpBB in a Iframe.

If i click a link i see the URL is the original one.
But when opens, the URL change to a code.

Is are a possibility to use the original URL?
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Re: Images not showing on Wordpress

Post by axew3 »

You mean some like

Code: Select all
in place of

Code: Select all

phpBB URLs vars contains reserved wordpress terms
so that you cannot use it and this is the reason of the base64 part of the url.

Keep in mind that the address bar you see is the one of WP not phpBB: phpBB is into the iframe, inside a WP page.
I am by long time thinking on how to fix some aspect about, and we'll see.
The involved implications are many and a complete answer would require a very but very long reply.
If any question more just post then!
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