The WP_w3all WPD Dropbox WordPress plugin will be released for free very soon!
Stay tuned! Will be cool!
WPD WordPress Dropbox released for free soon
- axew3
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- axew3
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Re: WPD WordPress Dropbox released for free soon
increasing features of the plugin before his free release:
building custom (look like!) Dropbox javascript chooser, that will work without domain assignment into dbx app console.
Upload multiple files of any dimension into your dropbox account directly within wordpress, using the new WP_w3all dbx chooser uploader/manager.
Choose which files need to be shared/deleted on fly.
The custom wp_w3all dbx chooser upload multiple files: each file on upload, will display with his own progress bar state: it look like +- the same of native dbx chooser. Within the WPD these features become much more useful.
Fixing before the release, any previous funded bug. Compatible with any php version, using latest ecma6 js promises.
A little delay on releasing will be forgive due to the result. I'm quite sure!
Stay tuned! Do not use cracked versions you may found around the web that may contain obscure code ...
Wait for the new coming WP_w3all DBX. It is easy, powerful, fast and secure!
building custom (look like!) Dropbox javascript chooser, that will work without domain assignment into dbx app console.
Upload multiple files of any dimension into your dropbox account directly within wordpress, using the new WP_w3all dbx chooser uploader/manager.
Choose which files need to be shared/deleted on fly.
The custom wp_w3all dbx chooser upload multiple files: each file on upload, will display with his own progress bar state: it look like +- the same of native dbx chooser. Within the WPD these features become much more useful.
Fixing before the release, any previous funded bug. Compatible with any php version, using latest ecma6 js promises.
A little delay on releasing will be forgive due to the result. I'm quite sure!
Stay tuned! Do not use cracked versions you may found around the web that may contain obscure code ...
Wait for the new coming WP_w3all DBX. It is easy, powerful, fast and secure!
- axew3
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Re: WPD WordPress Dropbox released for free soon
The new plugin is ready but there is a problem into Dropbox API that stop me on releasing it.
The problem seem to me resolved Sunday with a workaround, but in true, there is still another big bug on DBX API that at moment stuck me.
I'm waiting for the Dropbox developers solution about this (read the 2nd and 3rd quote):
... ... ...
... ... ...
It add a javascript uploader popup that can upload multiple files of any dimensions. It can be improved to be and look like as the native DBX Chooser in few steps . But it work without the requirement to add the domain for which/where it is installed.
The problem seem to me resolved Sunday with a workaround, but in true, there is still another big bug on DBX API that at moment stuck me.
I'm waiting for the Dropbox developers solution about this (read the 2nd and 3rd quote):
... ... ...
... ... ...
#RESOLVED but ...
ok, the recursion function was wrong, now return the correct value,
Now i'm quite sure all the code answer as needed but remain to me a question if you can kindly make it to me clear:
i check against the cursor now, that when it finish to become the same of previous call, i stop the iteration and return results, because it means that there are no more links to retrieve. Work fine. But cost a call more to check that there aren't really more links.
Arrays aren't containing duplicated values now, so also asking to myself why the online api test return the above reported ... but by the way ...
Now work fine but reading to http documentation, it say that has_more will return true if there are more link to retrieve. And it's ok that it still return true even if there are no more files to retrieve?
The way i've find out work fine now, but asking to myself if it is completely the right way.
Thank you again, alessio
Thanks for writing this in. This appears to a bug on our side. We'll look into it. In the meantime, it sounds like you have the correct understanding of how to work around it, so please continue doing that for now.
Hope that all will be resolved soon, so the plugin that now work solid and fine will be released.
Ok thank you ... i've let the code to answer correctly in case this will be resolved and
has_more will return false or empty value or even for a value < then 1.
But the main problem is that by the way some folder is not retrieved both by my script curl calls and the ... hared_link
... if useful ...
for an user linked with the app, i see that some files or folders that are in sharing, aren't retrieved at all. I have to unlink and re-link to retrieve a some specific file or folder.
the test dbx account user
linked with the app have in sharing a folder named
a test created folder
that inside have another sub folder named
that contain 4 files in sharing
but result was that
a test created folder
was containing nothing until i have:
un-linked then re-linked the folder
so i've un-link and re-link two files inside of it and reloaded cache.
The result now contain these files.
BUT the problem is that when i go to count results, the array return 78 records.
And still return 78 even if i have unlink/relink a file or i add one uploading it and setting it as shared.
So i assume that some old files is not retrieved, in favor of the news added.
It add a javascript uploader popup that can upload multiple files of any dimensions. It can be improved to be and look like as the native DBX Chooser in few steps . But it work without the requirement to add the domain for which/where it is installed.
- axew3
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Re: WPD WordPress Dropbox released for free soon
at date of this post, the latest answer by a lead developer, that i'm still waiting for consequent, was:
Thanks! We'll look into it.
- axew3
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Re: WPD WordPress Dropbox released for free soon
I start to loose my hopes on this. Still waiting ... list_shared_links endpoint not working on Dropbox API. They still haven't patch the API code at date of this post (and more than 3 month after reported issue).
Since via their developers support there is no answer and things seem to go on very slowly (admitting that they want really resolve this issue) i will give a shot into some other official DBX forum, for example on github to see if something will move.
Since via their developers support there is no answer and things seem to go on very slowly (admitting that they want really resolve this issue) i will give a shot into some other official DBX forum, for example on github to see if something will move.
- axew3
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Re: WPD WordPress Dropbox released for free soon
so, finally (and this will be my last until no news about by Dropbox lead developers), when i've try to ask again on github opening an issue: ... r/issues/6
waiting until no news then ... ... r/issues/6
waiting until no news then ...