phpBB Permissions?

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phpBB Permissions?

Post by BernieG »

Still me, brand new to phpBB, so my question may not have anything to do with the plugin, but I believe you can point me in the right direction.
If I login with another name, non administrator, I don't see any forum. So I understand I need to give permissions to users.

I tried to give read only access to anonymous, so that a visitor could see the forums before registering, but it does not seem to work. What is, step by step, the process to make all forums visible to anonymous visitor, as read only, and the process to give permissions to groups?

Right now, only me, as administrator, can see something.

Thanks for your help!
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Re: Permissions?

Post by axew3 »

Hi! Yes not related to plugin, but phpBB.
There are several ways to setup permissions for users, to make your life easier this what you should aim to as begin to understand (maybe):
on ACP
Open TAB users and groups then -> Group permissions
setup permission for each group
Then on same TAB choose:
Group forum permissions
And setup which forums groups can see, how etc

phpbb permissions settings is little complicate to understand at begin, but after you'll find it easy and powerful, that allow you setup any permission aspect.
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Re: phpBB Permissions?

Post by BernieG »

yes, it took me a while, but finally got it. There is still something with the plugin/iFrame, though.

To better understand and try, I started by commenting out the scripts in overall_footer and overall_header. I changed permissions, tested, to make it work for all groups I wanted it to.

Once that was working as expected, I un-commented the scripts back. So far, so good. Problem is that, it still does not work for "guest", that is, if I am not logged with some identity in WordPress. If I login to WordPress, everything works as expected.
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Re: phpBB Permissions?

Post by axew3 »

in the case it is guest the iframe not resize, may because the Guest Group not use the template where you added the overall_footer/header.html js code?
While testing, leave recompile stale templates ON and switch to OFF when finished.

To test out without a reload to the iframe mode, so access phpBB via direct url without being redirected to wp iframed page, just comment out this line on overall_header.html code:

Code: Select all

// document.location.replace(href0);
but could be done also via uid or username using phpBB template vars, it is possible to exclude only some user (may admins) to be forced to iframe, when phpBB accessed via direct url.
Just an hint.
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Re: phpBB Permissions?

Post by BernieG »

Thanks for your help.

I made sure to have the modifications made to all styles I use.

I have now a better understanding about WHEN the iFrame does not resize. It's ONLY when not logged in WordPress. If logged in Wordpress, whith ANY identity, even if logged out from phpBB itself, it display at it should. If logged out from WordPress, even if logged in phpBB, it does not resize.

To be sure it had nothing to do with my WP theme, I changed it, and it still does the same. Any idea what I could do to get the iFrame to resize properly even when not logged in WordPress? Would love to solve this!


PS - You are talking about having a default style for a group. I don't see how this is done. I assigned the default style to prosilver, but it looks like this is for everybody (who would not have made a different choice)
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Re: phpBB Permissions?

Post by BernieG »

Finally, proble solved!

Well, as I was cleaning my plugins, and having some problems with that, I had to disable them all, and re-add them one by one. That's how I discovered the problem was due to the Autoptimize plugin! With it disabled, the iFrame started working as it should!

And now I understand whay it was working when I was logged in: the cache was not active for me!

I am happy to have this working now, thanks!
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