Category: General In-Out

  • Shortcode: phpBB notifications into WordPress


    WP_w3all phpBB notifications into WordPress shortcode version 1.0 check all others shortcodes listed under the “common how” to section The w3all_phpbb_unotifications shortcode display *phpBB notifications like phpBB do. The file that can be styled as more like and that display results is: /wp-content/plugins/wp-w3all-phpbb-integration/views/wp_w3all_phpbb_unotifications_short.php Add the attribute class for ul and li elements, using shortcode attributes…

  • phpBB WordPress template integration (iframe v4)


    v4 version (for cool people) OLD CODE: cool people moved to V5  

  • Alessio Nanni (alias axew3) … that’s my real name


    Alessio Nanni alias axew3 – Italy.This was the first post, created by the install that i’ve modified to little push my name to spiders …!  (i’m sorry … this wil the unique ego post!) contact alessio -> alias axew3 here:

  • Import articles to Joomla!
    (Postnuke-Nuke raw example)


    This is a very raw (working) test/script that use Php and MySQL to extract Postnuke/Nuke articles content from a database (look queries schema to fit yours) and import these data on another Joomla! db, installed on same server.