WPD w3all WordPress plugin for Dropbox is available:

NOTE – 17 September 2018: the plugin is waiting to be released for free as soon as Dropbox team will resolve the shared_links API endpoint issue that at this date is NOT working anymore! The bug has been reported more than 2 month ago, but still no solution at date of this on 17 Sept. 2018

The Dropbox plugin installed here at axew3.com, and activated for an user named axew3, which page example you can see here:

Site example: https://plugins.w3tasks.com/wp/

If you like to test out the user interface, where you can manage Dropbox files to display in WordPress, within your page, please register on the above site, and contact me.

Take a look also here to get an immediate idea:

WPD – w3all WordPress Dropbox integration

Contact me