Tag: iframe

  • WP_w3all .htaccess and Javascript for phpBB: rewrite URLs to point iframe how to (Spiders friendly)


    Open .htaccess file of your phpBB root folder, search for this line: RewriteRule ^(.*)$ app.php [QSA,L] just below add the follow: #p reserved in WP RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^(.*)(iframe=true&)(.*)(p=)([0-9]+)(.*)?$ RewriteRule . /yourwp/index.php/forum/?%3post_id=%5%6 [R,L] #all others RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^(.*)(iframe=true)(.*)$ RewriteRule . /yourwp/index.php/forum/?%3 [R,L] Change on lines RewriteRule . /yourwp/index.php/forum/?%3post_id=%5%6 [R,L] and RewriteRule . /yourwp/index.php/forum/?%3 [R,L] the relative…

  • Embed phpBB into WordPress template:
    iframe responsive how to


    This is the old  iframe procedure.New iframe procedure and code is available here: !!OLD OBSOLETE!! follow link above PAGE HELP – UPDATED on 19 Sept 2018(related views/page-forum.php – updated on 27 Sep 2017)/trunk/addons/page-forum.php Iframe resizer library by: wp_w3all responsive iframe procedure After you’ve built/created the WP forum template page viaWP_w3all phpBB embedded on WordPress Templateoption…