Author: axew3

  • w3all WP heartbeat phpbb lastopics


    check all shortcodes listed under the “common how to” section Require the WP phpBB integration plugin version 2.8.3 or > Params: only topics_number. ** Read below Refer to the inline shortcode hints on the plugin admin page – HeartBeat Last Topics Shortcode. Note this (as mentioned into the inline hints): the value of the Option…

  • Shortcode: Login widget


    check all others shortcodes listed under the “common how” to section To use the Login Widget shortcode add: The file to edit for customization is wp-content/plugins/wp-w3all-phpbb-integration/views/wp_w3all_login_form_short.php

  • Switch WP user to specified Group in phpBB, when Role updated in WordPress and vice versa


    WP_w3all phpBB integration 2.6.8> option Read all the follow before to activate the option Basic default WP Roles and phpBB groups switches will work as follow by default, if no custom file provided: When an admin in WordPress update an user Role, or Role change due to user’s subscriptions: Editor in WP or Woocommerce Shop…

  • Shortcode: phpBB notifications into WordPress


    WP_w3all phpBB notifications into WordPress shortcode version 1.0 check all others shortcodes listed under the “common how” to section The w3all_phpbb_unotifications shortcode display *phpBB notifications like phpBB do. The file that can be styled as more like and that display results is: /wp-content/plugins/wp-w3all-phpbb-integration/views/wp_w3all_phpbb_unotifications_short.php Add the attribute class for ul and li elements, using shortcode attributes…

  • The (awesome) iframe template integration using shortcode


    WordPress phpBB template integration NOTE that required settings of this shortcode resides under the WP_w3all Preferences menu. To use the w3allphpbbiframe shortcode it is required to apply into the phpBB template files overall_header.html and overall_footer.html the same javascript code as it is for the page-forum procedure, and the result will be a full template integration…

  • phpBB WordPress template integration (iframe v5)


    V5 version (for the cool people) JS code – updated on 24 Jul 2024 shortcode files – updated on 30 Jun 2024addons/page-forum.php – updated on 30 Jun 2024 Help steps – updated on 06 Jul 2024 NOTE: since plugin version 2.8.7> WordPress phpBB iframe template integration To do an awesome Template integration by Shortcode, that’s…

  • phpBB WordPress template integration (iframe v4)


    v4 version (for cool people) OLD CODE: cool people moved to V5  

  • Shortcode: phpBB PM into WordPress


    WP_w3all phpBB PM into WordPress shortcode version 1.0 check all others shortcodes listed under the “common how” to section The w3allphpbbupm shortcode display phpBB Private Messages count into a div, which html output result will be by default something like this: To display this way, you’ll add the shortcode as is: To change attributes class…