w3all WP heartbeat phpbb lastopics

check all shortcodes listed under the “common how to” section

Require the WP phpBB integration plugin version 2.8.3 or >

Params: only topics_number. ** Read below

Refer to the inline shortcode hints on the plugin admin page – HeartBeat Last Topics Shortcode.

Note this (as mentioned into the inline hints):

the value of the Option number of topics/posts, when the heartbeat option is active, is used for all the w3allastopics heartbeat shortcodes instances, to update the content with this number of posts. So all heartbeat w3allastopics widgets on pages, will display the same number of topics/posts that’s set here (or 5 by default if empty) when an heartbeat occur

** It is possible to initialize the shortcode calling it with the param topics_number (for example) topics_number=”5″ but when the heartbeat will occur, the number of topics/posts displayed and updated will be the value of the Number of topics/posts option. So maybe, you should initialize all these shortcodes affected by the heartbeat update (the shortcodes that will fires on pages that you have set into the related option, and that so goes to update the shortcodes content into those pages, when the heartbeat occur), with the same number of topics of the related heartbeat shortcode number of topics/posts option.

If you initialize into a page/post the shortcode like this:

when WordPress load, the showed last topics number on the widget will be 5. But when the heartbeat will fire, if the option Number of topics/posts is (suppose) set to 3, then the content of the rendered widget will be updated with the last 3 posts (not 5).

*Note for Pages option setting value (page or pages separated by comma, where the heartbeat will be activated): if using Plain permalinks, for example, the page name to set for a post would be p=45 or if it is a page, page_id=12

Note that the activation of the WordPress heartbeat impact the server performance. Anyway, if the WP installation that you run, already provide some feature that’s using the native WordPress heartbeat there is no server’s resources increase by activating the w3all heartbeat for the w3allastopics shortcode.

Switch WP user to specified Group in phpBB, when Role updated in WordPress and vice versa

WP_w3all phpBB integration 2.6.8> option

Read all the follow before to activate the option

Basic default WP Roles and phpBB groups switches will work as follow by default, if no custom file provided:

When an admin in WordPress update an user Role, or Role change due to user’s subscriptions:

Editor in WP or Woocommerce Shop Manager, will be added into the Global Moderator group as primary group in phpBB, the previous primary user’s group membership will be removed.
Author, Contributor or Subscriber or Woocommerce customer, will be added into the Registered group in phpBB, the previous primary group membership will be removed.
Administrator in WP will be set as Administrator in phpBB (not with all founder’s powers), the previous primary user’s group membership will be removed. The User with No role in WP will be deactivated in phpBB.

When an user change/update group in phpBB:

If belong as default group to the Registered phpBB group, will be updated in WP to Subscriber and the previous primary Role removed.

If belong as default group to the Global Moderators phpBB group, will updated in WP to Editor and the previous primary Role removed.

Administrators in this case are not considered by default. But you can activate the code about, into

the file wp-content/plugins/wp-w3all-phpbb-integration/common/wpRoles_phpbbGroups.php . It contain the code that can be customized as more like to get complex WP Roles and phpBB Groups switches. It already contain basic code example and basic hints. Advanced wp coders will find out that’s quite easy to write owns code snippets and achieve any kind of complex Roles/Groups switches.

How i can customize the file wpRoles_phpbbGroups.php expecting that when the integration plugin will update, modifications done into this file aren’t lost?

Create a folder (if you did not it already, activating the custom /views files option) named wp-w3all-custom inside the folder /wp-content/plugins/ so you’ll have /wp-content/plugins/wp-w3all-custom/

copy the file /wp-content/plugins/wp-w3all-phpbb-integration/common/wpRoles_phpbbGroups.php

and paste it inside the created folder, so you’ll have /wp-content/plugins/wp-w3all-custom/wpRoles_phpbbGroups.php

Custom files inside this folder, are not overwritten when the plugin will be updated (like all the custom views files).

Note that the option Use custom files to display Last Topics Widgets, Login Widget and Shortcodes do not affect this. If the custom file /wp-content/plugins/wp-w3all-custom/wpRoles_phpbbGroups.php exist, it will be included, even if the Use custom files to display Last Topics Widgets, Login Widget and Shortcodes option is set to No.

Advanced and common hints

Where the wpRoles_phpbbGroups.php file is included?

About an Admin that update an user role (the update will be synchronous)

Open: /wp-content/plugins/wp-w3all-phpbb-integration/class.wp.w3all-phpbb.php

search for:


public static function phpbb_update_profile($user_id, $old_user_data) {

About a current WP logged in user updates (the update will be asynchronous)

an user that changed Group in phpBB side** and that so will be updated to the related WP Role when as logged in will visit WordPress, search for:

into /wp-content/plugins/wp-w3all-phpbb-integration/class.wp.w3all-phpbb.php

inside the function verify_phpbb_credentials()

About Memberpress or others external memberships plugins:

Remember: this is a WP plugin, it run ONLY in WP side! So it has been defined synchronous the Role update when done in WP side updating an user profile. In this case the update occur at same time in phpBB. It is asynchronous when the WP role change due to some other reason, for example due to some Role update that fire on the background, after a subscribed membership or something else, but the affected user is not currently logged in into WordPress.

It is also asynchronous if the user change profile’s data in phpBB, because until the same user will not visit the WP side as logged, no code will run to update his Role in WP.

Read more inline hints into the file wpRoles_phpbbGroups.php

Could be all synchronous? Yes, the result can be achieved in several ways, for any configuration or/and plugin/extension installed.

A One Way (WP to phpBB only) explained example is here (read all answers):


Shortcode: phpBB notifications into WordPress

WP_w3all phpBB WordPress 2.6.6 >

WP_w3all phpBB notifications into WordPress shortcode version 1.0

check all others shortcodes listed under the “common how” to section

The w3all_phpbb_unotifications shortcode display *phpBB notifications like phpBB do. The file that can be styled as more like and that display results is:


Add the attribute class for ul and li elements, using shortcode attributes ul_phpbb_unotifications_class="myclass" and li_phpbb_unotifications_class="myotherclass"

*Note that to get resultsthe phpBB user have to setup/activate into his User Control Panel, under Board preferences Tab -> Edit notification options option, the notifications types he want to see.

Note also that once a phpBB user visit the

Board index -> User Control Panel -> Overview -> Manage notifications

page, the $phpbb_user_session[0]->user_new_privmsg var become 0. So PMs notifications are not retrieved anymore for the user (until there is not a new PM).

The file /wp-content/plugins/wp-w3all-phpbb-integration/views/wp_w3all_phpbb_unotifications_short.php can be copied into the folder /wp-content/plugins/wp-w3all-custom/ and activating the option Use custom files to display Last Topics Widgets, Login Widget and Shortcodes so that custom modifications done into the file aren’t overwritten when the plugin will be updated.

All default phpBB (3.3>) notifications types that can be expected will be retrieved:

Since 2.6.9 > added option:
Only get the total notifications count, of any type, default phpBB and customs types created by extensions

If selected, then just use echo $w3all_phpbb_unotifications; in this case, to display the number of unread notifications, declaring it as global, into any Php template or (maybe) some other plugin.

The (awesome) iframe template integration using shortcode

WordPress phpBB template integration

check all shortcodes listed under the “common how to” section

NOTE that required settings of this shortcode resides under the WP_w3all Preferences menu

To use the w3allphpbbiframe shortcode it is required to apply into the phpBB template files overall_header.html and overall_footer.html the same javascript code and procedure as it is for the page-forum, and the result will be a full template integration that can be applied into any WP theme:

phpBB WordPress template integration iframe

NOTE that it is Mandatoryto set the WP page-names where the shortcode will be added, into the related shortcode option field, on the integration plugin admin page, or the shortcode will not fire!

then use like this:

wp_page_name param refer to the page/post name/slug where the shortcode will be added (see hint below about this param if omitted*)

wp_page_iframe_top_gap param refer to (in pixel) the position where the WP parent page will scroll to by default. If omitted value will be 0

url_push (since 2.5.9>) param if omitted is set to YES, that mean when links are clicked into the phpBB iframed, the URL will be pushed into the browser’s address bar. If you want to avoid this behavior, use/add this param like this into the shortcode: url_push="no"

note that the URL push is ever avoided when the shortcode is used into the homepage and should in several more conditions. In short words, in all these situations where, when if the URL is pushed into the parent address bar, it cause/lead to a WordPress page NOT found, in the case there is an intentionally browser’s page reload (because the pushed URL is an URL that WP will not found)

phpbb_default_url (since 2.5.7>) param (that can be omitted) refer to any phpBB URL where the iframe will be opened by default, so the above become something like this, if for example we want to display into a WP post the phpBB, that should open by default into a precise forum topic/post/page:

but it can be any other phpBB link like the ucp page used into another etc

it is possible to use multiple shortcode(s) into different contests/pages/posts

Again: NOTE that it is Mandatoryto set the WP page-names where the shortcode will be added, into the related shortcode option field, on the integration plugin admin page, or the shortcode will not fire!See Option:

The (awesome) iframe template integration using shortcode

scroll_default (since 2.6.0>) param if omitted is set to YES by default. To avoid the page scroll behavior set it to no:


To edit some css/html output or something else if required, relevant files to look into are:



*Note wp_page_name: if using Plain permalinks, for example the page name for a post would be p=45 or if it is a page page_id=12

*Note also that the shortcode param wp_page_namecan be omitted if you created page-forum using the (other way) page-forum available iframe template integration: so that the loaded URL into the browser’s address bar when links clicked into iframe, will be the one set into the overall_header.html and overall_footer.html js added code (that so may point to another post or page where another shortcode has been added, or to the default page-forum if it has been created using related option on plugin admin)

Note important: if the iframe do not display and you get mixed insecure content on browser’s console, you have to fix it doing this:

open your WP header.php template file, and may just after others header meta tags add the follow:

That’s all here, follow instructions into the plugin admin page where there is iframe template integration using shortcode related option. Enjoy!

One applied right here on the post (below), but also see another simple example here: https://www.axew3.com/w3/board/

Advanced hint: this shortcode with little modifications could be easily used to display any iframed page, also cross domain.

Here it has been added the iframe using the shortcode with param phpbb_default_url set to open a specified phpBB post and with scroll_default set to no (since 2.6.0>)

[w3allphpbbiframe url_push=”no” phpbb_default_url=”https://www.axew3.com/w3/forums/viewtopic.php?t=774″ wp_page_name=”the-awesome-iframe-template-integration-using-shortcode” scroll_default=”no”]

phpBB WordPress template integration (iframe v4)

v4 version (for cool people)

FROM 2.1.1 USE V5 code: https://www.axew3.com/w3/2020/01/phpbb-wordpress-template-integration-iframe-v5/

OLD CODE: cool people moved to V5

FROM 2.1.1 USE V5 code: https://www.axew3.com/w3/2020/01/phpbb-wordpress-template-integration-iframe-v5/

SINCE 2.1.1 the following code, even if still working with his related page-forum (linked below) into any plugin version, is now obsolete.

PAGE HELP – JS code – UPDATED on 15 Gen 2020
(related addons/page-forum.phpupdated on 14 Gen 2020)


wp_w3all plugin 1.9.9 until 2.1.0

phpBB SEO mods compatible – (READ ALL this page)

wp_w3all responsive iframe procedure

WordPress phpBB iframe template integration

MEMO: to update to latest v4 code, you’ll need to rebuild page-forum.php (or whatever you named it) via plugin admin, OR manually substitute it into your active WP template folder, with the new one that you find/copy into /wp-content/plugins/wp-w3all-phpbb-integration/addons. You’ll need to update also the iframeResizer.contentWindow.min.js file you added into phpBB root, with the new one you find into /wp-content/plugins/wp-w3all-phpbb-integration/addons/resizer folder. Done this, substitute the phpBB overall_header.html and overall_footer.html code (re-adding needed values) with the new v4 code here below. Do not forget to rebuild phpBB template to make phpBB template modifications take effect.

 Domain/subdomains installations it’s REQUIRED to read this: How to Domain/subdomain iframe template integration

WP_w3all template integration steps

After you built/create the WP forum template page via option
WP_w3all phpBB embedded on WordPress Template
on WP_w3all admin config page, and the blank page on WordPress Admin -> Pages -> Add New, titled the same of created wp_w3all template page, so forum or board  etc (then you’ll have into your active WordPress template folder a file named page-forum.php or page-board.php etc), to complete the procedure and get the responsive iframe height for the embedded/iframed phpBB into WordPress template page you need:

overall_footer.html code

Open with a text editor your phpBB template file overall_footer.html

and just before the closing </body> tag, add this code (do not select rows numbers on copied code):

after you pasted this code into phpBB overall_footer.html
edit following lines:

change localhost to fit your domain name (example axew3.com)
do NOT add http(s):// OR the point in front nor anything else, just add
yourdomain.com or set it as localhost if on localhost test. If phpBB is at subdomain.domain.com, add domain.com as value
(MANDATORY!) or resizer won’t work
now check the other line to change:

change value
on this line, to point to the URL of the WordPress created/named forum page (do not add final slash and change http or https as needed)

Finally, check this line

in the code you added (last line): this should correctly point to the iframeResizer.contentWindow.min.js file that you’ll go to add into phpBB root folder. You need to use the absolute URL (use http or https as needed, and adjust the url to fit your needs)
(MANDATORY!) or resizer won’t work

AFTER EDITED, save and load the modified overall_footer.html into your phpBB style folder, overwriting the default one, and so

load through ftp on the phpBB root folder (or copy/paste), the file
that is contained inside folder

After this, phpBB require to recompile the template, or modifications to template files not affect (to overall_footer.html in this case). Open phpBB ACP, and so under:

Server Configuration -> Load settings -> Recompile stale style components set to YES and save. Load one time a phpBB full forum page. Leave as is at moment, especially if you follow adding also the code on overall_header.html (more below) to redirect any phpBB direct URL to the iframed WP page: then after tested that all work fine, return to ACP, and reset to NO and save. This step is needed to load the template modifications on phpBB (and any time you edit a phpBB template file to for modifications take effect), but this option should be ever set to NO into an online/production site to save server resources. It is normally set to yes only for testing/devel purpose or to apply modifications on phpBB templates files.

overall_header.html code

The new V4 w3all iframe code do not use anymore htaccess to force redirects, but use pure Javascript (reload) code, that as you may imagine, lead to some different result: you’ll not have to edit phpBB notification links on phpBB notification files as on V1 or V2 code, to force users redirect to iframe when they click (for example) on notification email link or some other forum’s link. But in this case, any user except bots, will be redirected (as code is, but it can be easily changed to assume different behaviors, may excluding admins or moderators etc) to the WP iframed page, if the forum accessed via real phpBB url.

If you want phpBB email notification links or any phpBB direct url to be redirected to the wp iframed forum page follow this step:

Open with a text editor your phpBB template file overall_header.html

and just immediately after this code (or by the way, just before the closing tag </head>)

add the following code:

On added code, change URL on the line where (line 3):

to fit/point to the WordPress iframed forum page: DO NOT ADD final slash and setup as http or https as needed.

All working!?

Reset to No the Recompile phpBB template option, here we go!

NOTE: if you added the code above into phpBB overall_header.html then you’ll never activate (it is not active by default) this part of the code you added into the overall_footer.html:

P.s – whenever you want: to get the iframe responsive for ACP phpBB admin panel, read this post. My (personal) suggestion is to stop here and try to use the integration leaving ACP out of iframe joke. If by the way you want to follow, before to apply then you’ll have to little change the above code for overall_footer.html and overall_header.html in this way:

on code for overall_footer.html remove this part:

on code for overall_header.html remove this part:

change into:

* For domain/subdomain installations
How to Domain/subdomain iframe template integration

Refer to v2 or v1 code for htaccess old solution editing phpBB notifications files.

Shortcode: phpBB PM into WordPress

WP_w3all phpBB WordPress 1.9.9 >

WP_w3all phpBB PM into WordPress shortcode version 1.0

check all others shortcodes listed under the “common how” to section

The [w3allphpbbupm] shortcode just display phpBB Private Messages count into a div, which html output result will be by default like this:

<div id="w3pm_id" class="w3pm_class"><a href="https://localhost/wp51/phpBB3/ucp.php?i=pm&folder=inbox">You have 1 unread forum PM</a></div>

To display this way, you’ll add the shortcode as is: [w3allphpbbupm]

To change attributes class name, id or to get a element link with target _blank or to add inline style to the div element, arguments that are possible to pass are:

'w3pm_class' => 'w3pm_class',
'w3pm_id' => 'w3pm_id',
'w3pm_inline_style' => '',
'w3pm_href_blank' => ''

[w3allphpbbupm w3pm_class="myclass" w3pm_id="myid" w3pm_inline_style="padding:10px;border:1px solid grey;" w3pm_href_blank="1"]

w3pm_class and w3pm_id are setup by default with same name as value for the id and class div’s element attributes if not passed as arguments, others two w3pm_inline_style and w3pm_href_blank simply not affect if not passed.

To get target="_blank" , pass as on example the w3pm_href_blank="1" argument

[w3allfeed] RSS raw examples

How to use w3allfeed shortcode

These examples show raw results (scroll down to see RSS from external resource) of the w3allfeed shortcode used like this, with little style applied to li elements:

that grab last 3 forums news within this same domain forum:

Latest 3 news from axew3.com forums

News from engadget.com

Latest 5 news from – engadget.com/rss.xml – target _blank – inline styled, used like this:

  • Apple has reportedly resumed talks with OpenAI to build a chatbot for the iPhone

    Apple has resumed conversations with OpenAI, the maker of ChatGPT, to power some AI features coming to iOS 18, according to a new report in Bloomberg. Apple is also building its own large language models to power some iOS 18 features, but its talks with OpenAI are centered around a “chatbot/search component,” according to Bloomberg reporter Mark Gurman. 

    Apple is also reportedly in talks with Google to license Gemini, Google’s own AI-powered chatbot, for iOS 18. Bloomberg reports that those talks are still on, and things could still go either way because Apple hasn’t made a final decision on which company’s technology to use. It’s conceivable, Gurman says, that Apple could ultimately end up licensing AI tech from both companies or none of them.

    So far, Apple has been notably quiet about its AI efforts even as the rest of Silicon Valley has descended into an AI arms race. But it has dropped enough hints to indicate that it’s cooking up something. When the company announced its earnings in February, CEO Tim Cook said that Apple is continuing to work and invest in artificial intelligence and is “excited to share the details of our ongoing work in that space later this year.” It claimed that the brand new M3 MacBook Air that it launched last month was the “world’s best consumer laptop for AI,” and will reportedly start releasing AI-centric laptops and desktops later this year. And earlier this week, Apple also released a handful of open-source large language models that are designed to run locally on devices rather than in the cloud.

    It’s still unclear what Apple’s AI features in iPhones and other devices will look like. Generative AI is still notoriously unreliable and prone to making up answers. Recent AI-powered gadgets like the Humane Ai Pin released to disastrous reviews, while others like the Rabbit R1 have yet to prove themselves valuable.

    We’ll find out more at WWDC on June 10.

    This article originally appeared on Engadget at https://www.engadget.com/apple-has-reportedly-resumed-talks-with-openai-to-build-a-chatbot-for-the-iphone-002302644.html?src=rss

  • The FTC accuses Amazon of using Signal’s auto-deleting messages to erase evidence

    According to a court document viewed by Engadget, the Federal Trade Commission accused Amazon of using Signal’s disappearing messages feature to conceal communications as part of its antitrust suit against the company. The FTC says the retailer continued to auto-delete its communications even after the agency notified it that it was under investigation and asked it to preserve them. Founder and former CEO Jeff Bezos and current CEO Andy Jassy are among the accused.

    “For years, Amazon’s top executives, including founder and former CEO Jeff Bezos, discuss[ed] sensitive business matters, including antitrust, over the Signal encrypted-messaging app instead of email,” the FTC wrote in the full document, acquired by (Bezos-owned) The Washington Post. “These executives turned on Signal’s ‘disappearing message’ feature, which irrevocably destroys messages, even after Amazon was on notice that Plaintiffs were investigating its conduct.”

    The FTC wants a federal judge to compel Amazon to provide documents related to its data handling. The government agency says the retailer didn’t disclose its Signal use until March 2022, ahead of a Wall Street Journal article highlighting the covert practice.

    “Although the contents of deleted messages are impossible to recover, the app shows when a user turns the disappearing message feature on, off, or changes the timer for deletions, leaving breadcrumbs showing that Amazon executives’ deletions were widespread,” the document reads. “From the messages that were not deleted, it is apparent that Amazon executives used Signal to talk about competition-related business issues.”

    The issue appears to be an increasingly common business practice in Silicon Valley. Last year, the DOJ accused Google of routinely destroying its internal chat histories, which it was required to preserve under federal law. In addition, before Elon Musk bought Twitter and changed its name to X, the company asked a judge to sanction the Tesla founder for using Signal’s auto-deletion to withhold messages sent through the app.

    In addition to Bezos and Jassy, The Washington Post reports that the full document names General Counsel David Zapolsky, former CEO of Worldwide Consumer Jeff Wilke and former CEO of Worldwide Operations Dave Clark as participating in the practice.

    This article originally appeared on Engadget at https://www.engadget.com/the-ftc-accuses-amazon-of-using-signals-auto-deleting-messages-to-erase-evidence-205431161.html?src=rss

  • Drake deletes AI-generated Tupac track after Shakur’s estate threatened to sue

    Drake apparently learned it isn’t wise to mess with Tupac Shakur — even decades after his untimely death. Billboard first spotted that the Canadian hip-hop artist deleted the X (Twitter) post with his track “Taylor Made Freestyle,” which used an AI-generated recreation of Shakur’s voice to try to get under Kendrick Lamar’s skin.

    The takedown came after an attorney representing the late hip-hop legend threatened to sue the Canadian rapper for his “unauthorized” use of Tupac’s voice if he didn’t remove it from social channels within 24 hours. However, the track was online for a week and — unsurprisingly — has been copiously reposted.

    “The Estate is deeply dismayed and disappointed by your unauthorized use of Tupac’s voice and personality,” Howard King, the attorney representing Shakur’s estate, wrote earlier this week in a cease-and-desist letter acquired by Billboard. “Not only is the record a flagrant violation of Tupac’s publicity and the estate’s legal rights, it is also a blatant abuse of the legacy of one of the greatest hip-hop artists of all time. The Estate would never have given its approval for this use.”

    Photo of the late Tupac Shakur, staring down at the camera against a black background with subtle horizontal gray lines.

    King implied that using Shakur’s voice to diss Lamar was an especially egregious show of disrespect. Lamar, a 17-time Grammy winner and Pulitzer recipient, has spoken frequently about his deep admiration for Tupac, and the Oakland rapper’s estate says the feelings are mutual. “The unauthorized, equally dismaying use of Tupac’s voice against Kendrick Lamar, a good friend to the Estate who has given nothing but respect to Tupac and his legacy publicly and privately, compounds the insult,” King wrote in a cease-and-desist letter.

    Drake’s track also included an AI-generated clone of Snoop Dogg’s voice. The Doggystyle rapper and cannabis aficionado appeared surprised in a social post last week: “They did what? When? How? Are you sure?” He continued, “Why everybody calling my phone, blowing me up? What the fuck? What happened? What’s going on? I’m going back to bed. Good night.”

    However, the one-time Doggy Fizzle Televizzle host has a history of poker-faced coyness. Last year, he took to Instagram to solemnly announce he was “giving up smoke,” leading to rampant speculation about why the stoner icon would quit his favorite pastime. Soon after, his announcement was revealed as a PR stunt for Solo Stove — which, marketing gimmicks aside, makes some terrific bonfire pits.

    This article originally appeared on Engadget at https://www.engadget.com/drake-deletes-ai-generated-tupac-track-after-shakurs-estate-threatened-to-sue-191810881.html?src=rss

  • Aaron Sorkin is working on a Jan. 6-focused follow-up to The Social Network

    Aaron Sorkin has announced that he’s currently writing a followup script to The Social Network, according to The Hollywood Reporter. He broke the news during an episode of The Town podcast that centered on how Facebook and social media have influenced democracy in the years since his Oscar-winning hit. The first film chronicled the early days of Mark Zuckerberg’s social network and starred Jesse Eisenberg, Andrew Garfield and Justin Timberlake, among others.

    Sorkin is cagey on the actual details of the new script, but it looks to follow Facebook throughout the Trump era. He went on to tell the podcast hosts that he actually blames the social media site for the January 6 riots that claimed the lives of five people and led to the injuries of more than 140 police officers. “Look, yeah, I’ll be writing about this,” Sorkin told podcast hosts Matthew Belloni and Peter Hamby. “I blame Facebook for January 6.”

    He didn’t give any reason as to why he blames Facebook for the attack on the capitol, telling the podcast hosts that they will have to “buy a movie ticket.” Facebook, Google, Twitter and Reddit were all subpoenaed as part of the investigation into January 6. Lawmakers have suggested that Facebook didn’t take the proper steps to handle the “Stop the Steal” movement, which was organized on the platform, and that it didn’t recognize the danger posed by these groups until after the violence in DC.

    Whistleblower Frances Haugen told Congress that Facebook disbanded its civic integrity team after the 2020 election. She also has said that Facebook knew its algorithms and platforms promoted harmful content and that “it failed to deploy internally recommended or lasting countermeasures.” According to Haugen, the company chose profits over safety.

    Sorkin has obviously been paying attention to all of this, saying in the same interview that “Facebook has been, among other things, tuning its algorithm to promote the most divisive material possible. Because that is what will increase engagement.” He further dinged the company by suggesting that “there’s supposed to be a constant tension at Facebook between growth and integrity. There isn’t. There’s just growth.”

    Now, don’t go heading to your local multiplex to buy a ticket for The Social Network 2: Electric Boogaloo just yet. The script is still in the early stages and Sorkin hasn’t announced a partnership with any studio to get the film made. This also isn’t his first attempt to get something like this off the ground. He was previously working on a script entirely about January 6, but it didn’t move forward. It remains to be seen if some aspects of that script will end up in followup to The Social Network, should it actually get made. He told the Happy Sad Confused podcast that he would only push to make a sequel to The Social Network if David Fincher returned to direct it. 

    If a studio does sign on to make this project, which is fairly likely given the success of the 2010 film, it leaves me with two glaring questions. Can Jesse Eisenberg grow a sweet beard and what are his thoughts on ultra-premium livestock?

    This article originally appeared on Engadget at https://www.engadget.com/aaron-sorkin-is-working-on-a-jan-6-focused-follow-up-to-the-social-network-190010714.html?src=rss

  • Samsung's Galaxy S24 Ultra falls to a new low, plus the rest of the week's best tech deals

    Another week is coming to a close, which means it's time for another roundup of good tech deals. This week's highlights include a new low on Samsung's Galaxy S24 Ultra, which is $200 off and down to $1,100 for an unlocked model. That's not exactly cheap, no, but any savings should be welcome for what we consider the best premium Android phone. Elsewhere, a trio of recommendations from our wireless earbuds buying guide are on sale, including Bose's QuietComfort Ultra Earbuds for $249, Google's Pixel Buds Pro for $135 and Anker's Soundcore Space A40 for $49. Apple's latest MacBook Air has dropped to a new low of $989 as well, while Best Buy has the HomePod mini down to $70 in a rare discount. Other gadgets we like are discounted beyond that, so here are the best tech deals from this week that you can still get today.

    This article originally appeared on Engadget at https://www.engadget.com/samsungs-galaxy-s24-ultra-falls-to-a-new-low-plus-the-rest-of-the-weeks-best-tech-deals-181055583.html?src=rss

Shorcode: RSS feeds into WordPress

WP_w3all phpBB WordPress 1.9.7 >

WP_w3all feed version 1.0

check all others shortcodes listed under the “common how” to section

Note that substantially this shortcode can substitute with easy all others old phpBB last topics shortcodes. It can retrieve any kind of posts/topics list and display as more like using style/classes or inline style. Follow read more below …

Note: this shortcode work ok also if a valid path to a phpBB config.php file has not been setup and the plugin result as not activated (RED text) on plugin admin page

Note also that this shortcode as it is coded, like the related WP hook, caches results for 12 hours by default

Look two raw examples

As basic default the shortcode feeds, that can point to a phpBB generated feed OR to any other valid feed resource, need to be used like this:

The example of feed to retrieve is here for phpBB, but it’s possible to use any valid feed URL to display feeds from any resource. Check some feed example to grab here http://simplepie.org/demo/ or any other you want and use into the shortcode like this:

here as example the w3feed_items_num attribute limit to 10 items to retrieve and display from the RSS source:

To display phpBB posts feeds styled, there are some more attribute that is possible to use except the default 2 above explained:

using all together, look this example, that not contain the w3feed_text_words attribute, in which, one possible value to use, is may reserved (may not) to phpBB news/last post RSS, and explained separately more below:

the attribute w3feed_ul_class=”myexampleClassXUL” will assign class name myexampleClassXUL to the wrapper element ul. w3feed_li_class do the same for nested li assigning myexampleClassXLI to all li elements of this feed.

adding w3feed_href_blank=”1″ will cause that links elements <a> that point to topics or links to authors will include/output with the html attribute target=”_blank”

w3feed_inline_style attribute can be used to inject inline style into each li element. Note that by the way it has been tested without using special chars on it, so that special characters may need to be properly escaped to be used in this case.

It’s possible to assign different classes and display each shortcode feeds output, ul and li elements, styled as it need to be or/and as more like.

Here you can see examples for phpBB to retrieve feeds: forums news, all forums, single forum, single topic and more, plus advanced features:


The w3feed_text_words=”numOfWords” attribute is may reserved to be used only for phpBB posts feeds, while the 0 (zero) and content values are ok to be used on any other feed, not only phpBB:

0 | num of words | content

if omitted w3feed_text_words=”content” is the default behavior/result, that will return all the content of the post or feed item, changing nothing on output.

while adding an integer value, as example 30, so, w3feed_text_words=”30″ will cause that firsts 30 post’s words will display, and the default Statistics: phpBB text on output removed, while will be maintained all the rest, and the result will be something like:

Post Title
Post Content
Posted by axew3 — Sat Mar 09, 2019 12:04 am

w3feed_text_words=”numOfWords” int value can may also be used for any feed and not only for phpBB posts, but check before that the result is what you expect to be.

Using 0 (zero), so w3feed_text_words=”0″ , will cause that only topic’s titles links will display.

Except the mandatory w3feed_url attribute, any of the attributes can be mixed, applied or not applied, on each shortcode feed.

WordPress phpBB
mChat integration

This procedure assume you installed the wp_w3all WordPress phpBB integration plugin (in linked or not linked users mode) into WordPress, and phpBB mChat into your phpBB. At date of this post, the code as is can be applied by anyone, but this is a raw procedure may easy to be changed by advanced users. Work fine, but to optimize at best for your site, you may have to change something on the little javascript code you’ll add as explained on install steps. You can see the concept and code to apply available here:

WordPress phpBB mChat w3all procedure

See live raw working examples here:

WordPress phpBB mChat integration example

Just a good point to start from, that can be easily improved under any aspect and to fit any needs. Will be upgraded along the time.