WP_w3all .htaccess and Javascript for phpBB: rewrite URLs to point iframe how to (Spiders friendly)

Open .htaccess file of your phpBB root folder, search for this line:

just below add the follow:

Change on lines

RewriteRule . /yourwp/index.php/forum/?%3post_id=%5%6 [R,L]


RewriteRule . /yourwp/index.php/forum/?%3 [R,L]

the relative iframe URL that need to point to your correct WP forum page (leave index.php in place).

To help understand, this is the correct .htaccess code for this online working example:

WP page forum URL (that contain and display the iframe in this case): https://www.axew3.com/w3/forum/

Resulting .htaccess code based on this will be:


To complete the redirect flow to the iframe phpBB, embedded into WP page, for phpBB email notification messages links to point to iframe follow also with these two steps (get ready files for phpBB 3.2 on bottom of this page):

For email notification links that you want to redirect to iframe forum page of WP, assuming we point to three main behaviors we are interested in, which are for example PM notifications, New posts and Topics on forum, we need to change so 3 phpBB files in this way:

open folder  your-phpBB/phpBB/notification/type

on this folder, as working example, we go to open and so modify the following files:

pm.php, post.php, topic.php

on each file, you’ll find very similar code like this (in pm.php there is only one to change, on topic.php and post.php there are 4 or 5. Do not apply this edit to the last one string on post.php and topic.php):

you should change these urls, adding iframe=true& on each line, exactly after the ? char, like this:

Ready files for phpBB 3.2 zip:

WP_w3all WordPress Ajax Chat

phpBB mChat wordpress integration is here:


WP_w3all Ajax Chat integration

Please, READ ALL this carefully, before to switch more below, and install WP_w3all Ajax Chat.

This install procedure, will bring you an integrated fully featured Ajax Chat into your WordPress. That do not go to overload your WordPress database.


See an online example here: WP_w3all WordPress Ajax Chat example

It is easy and light: you can change features, permissions, default Chat template css/html, Channels, and more, really numerous, options.  It is necessary to install the WP_w3all Ajax Chat Standalone (w3all modified version) into your WordPress root, and setup the WP_w3all Ajax Chat plugin config page on WP admin.

Follow READ ALL and you’ll be up and running in few minutes.

It is required to know how to use an ftp and a text editor to install the Ajax Chat Standalone into your server. It is also STRONGLY recommended that you dedicate a separate database for this install. Read more below important note ‘why’ about this.

Why? To uninstall, and cleanup all, once you decide to do so, will be only necessary to Deactivate and Uninstall the WP_w3all Ajax Chat plugin in WP admin, delete the Chat folder from WP root (where you’ll install the Standalone Ajax Chat), and delete or empty the Database you had dedicate to it. Do not fill your WordPress database of not useful Chat datas, like many other plugin about like to do. Maintain it fresh and light!

BEWARE that when you’ll uninstall the Wp_w3all plugin, it will remove ONLY his unique (1 single) record into WP database.

So if you install the Ajax Chat using as database, the same database where WordPress is installed, you’ll need to remove manually (maybe via phpMyAdmin) the four (4) tables that the Ajax Chat Standalone installation will create, which are:

NOTE IMPORTANT: if the Ajax Chat will be used intensively by many users, the server will be may overloaded with the traffic of both WordPress and Ajax Chat if DB tables of both resides on same database. Consider this important aspect, and choose to install into a separated database. If your site is a thousand users site with very high traffic, you’ll have to choose this option, and also maybe a dedicated/separated Database Server for the Ajax Chat Standalone database install.


Install the WP_w3all Ajax Chat plugin, from WordPress admin searching for it on WordPress plugins repository, or downloading it from WordPress repository.

After the plugin installation, inside the plugin folder


you’ll find a folder named chat:  move/paste it (the entire folder chat) into your WordPress root folder, so you’ll have:


Install Ajax Chat Standalone step:

With text editor open: wp-root/chat/lib/config.php
Search very near the top of file, for line about Database connection

// Database connection values:

setup Database connection values as needed, and if possible, as more above explained, it is recommended, that you choose to install it into a separated Database at minimum (different Server also is maybe needed if your site is very big, with thousand of users).
The install will create 4 tables into the database.

RENAME the file wp-root/chat/install.php.off into install.php.

Install the chat now. Point your browser to:
After the Ajax Chat install step has been executed, rename the install.php file into something else like install.php.off, to disable any possible further call to this file, or remove it. Beware this is a very important security point.

Ajax Chat Standalone modified version has been installed.

Now open file:


at very top start, you find this code, where is necessary to insert correct values to connect to the WordPress database:

Setup values as on your WorPress root wp-config.php and save file.

Open WP admin -> Settings -> WP w3all Ajax Chat

Activate Ajax Chat in WordPress, select which Groups are allowed to use it and Chat Popup dimension.


Guest Access Deny/Allow

To enable or disable Guest access to the Chat, activate the related option, to display the button. After this, you need to adjust a setting by opening yourWP/chat/lib/config.php file.

change into:

As default the setting is setup to true (allow Guest access to the chat).

So, if you want to completely Deny Guest access to Chat, you do not only need to deactivate the Button option for Guests on WP w3all Chat Ajax Settings, but also setup the above value into yourWP/chat/lib/config.php file to false, or Guests will have the ability by the way to access the Ajax Chat, by pointing to his absolute URL (where you can see the full chat) http://yourWP/chat/
see example here: https://www.originalgangster.eu/www/chat/

For any change done into the yourWP/chat/lib/config.php file, except the option above about Guests Chat login and the Database connection configuration values, you should know what you’re doing changing these settings. There are very simple and easy settings, but also more advanced. There are really many options that leads to different behaviors, so you’ll have different results if you enable/disable or change values into the yourWP/chat/lib/config.php file.

Advanced options are also available into the file yourWP/chat/js/config.js to adjust template interface, chat buttons, server settings, and more advanced settings.

For any question use the axew3.com WP_W3all Chat forum or the WordPress plugin forum.

How are users identified when you add/transfer existent user
integration of same username/email users

Problem: i have WordPress users and I have phpbb users, they have different usernames but the same email addresses.


user A into phpBB with email C
user B into WP with email C

user A into phpBB come to try to login WP: NOT added can’t login WP side.

If you use the transfer process of WP users into phpBB:

user A Same above.
user B transferred into phpBB, B now can login into both phpBB and WP.
You’ll have two users into phpBB with same email, which is possible as option into phpBB.

You can also merge posts/users into one user in this way:

Change email to the user B in WP.
Login with the phpBB user A into WP, that will be added, as no same email found.
Now delete user B in WP, and retain posts assigning to A.

Result: an unique user, with all his posts on both phpBB and WP.

NOTE: This is just to give an idea on how to resolve common problems about an integration with pre existent users in phpBB that may have same email. But there are several more possibilities: in phpBB ACP there are many options to manage users and posts, and combining these and from the above, you should get the way to resolve any possible scenario.

Based on this topic: How are users identified? (when adding/transfer existent users)


WPD – w3all
WordPress Dropbox integration

WPD w3all WordPress plugin for Dropbox, to display and manage shared Dropbox user’s files into WordPress user’s pages.

Display shared Dropbox files, into WordPress user’s pages.
Choose between Full Dropbox App or Folder App.
Ajax images gallery.
Choose which WP groups can use the Dropbox in WordPress.
Limit files in sharing to retrieve and display in WordPress.
Data cache.
Template embed into any WordPress with an easy how to included.
Users can manage their files within WordPress, delete/create folders, link, unlink files and folders, upload and create/link files and folders.

Any other feature on request.

The Dropbox plugin has been installed also here at axew3.com, and activated for an user named axew3:

Display into WordPress, images from Dropbox, by coping the link of it on WordPress Dropbox user page, and by clicking on WP button
Add Media -> Insert from Url and just paste the URL.

w3tasks dropbox wordpress integration
w3tasks sample logo

Or files just adding pure URL:

Ask for it at https://plugins.w3tasks.com/wp/

If you like to test the user files manager, which is feature available for each user on his own WordPress Dropbox page, please register into this site, or at plugins.w3tasks.com, and send a request by using the contact page.

Embed phpBB into WordPress template:
iframe responsive how to

This is the old  iframe procedure.
New iframe procedure and code is available here:

!!OLD OBSOLETE!! follow link above for the new v3 code and procedure!

PAGE HELP – UPDATED on 19 Sept 2018
(related views/page-forum.php – updated on 27 Sep 2017)

Iframe resizer library by:

wp_w3all responsive iframe procedure

After you’ve built/created the WP forum template page via
WP_w3all phpBB embedded on WordPress Template
option on WP_w3all admin config page, and the blank page on WordPress Admin -> Pages -> Add New, titled the same of  created wp_w3all template page, so forum or board etc…, to complete the procedure and get the responsive iframe height for the embedded phpBB into WordPress template page you need:

Open with a text editor your phpBB template file overall_footer.html

and just before the closing </body> tag, add this code (do not select lines numbers column on copied code):

after you pasted this code into phpBB overall_footer.html edit the second line on added code:

change localhost to fit your domain name (example axew3.com), do NOT add http(s):// OR the point in front, just add
yourdomain.com or leave localhost if on localhost. If phpBB is at subdomain.domain.com, add domain.com as value
(MANDATORY!) or resizer won’t work
now check

in the code you added (last line): this should correctly point to the  iframeResizer.contentWindow.min.js file that you’ll go to add into phpBB root folder. You need to use the absolute URL (use http or https as needed, and adjust the url to fit your needs)
(MANDATORY!) or resizer won’t work

AFTER EDITED, save and load the modified overall_footer.html into your phpBB style folder, overwriting the default one, and so

load through ftp on the phpBB root folder (or copy/paste), the file
that is contained inside folder

After this, phpBB require to recompile the template, or modifications to  template files not affect (to overall_footer.html in this case). Open phpBB ACP, and so under:

Server Configuration -> Load settings -> Recompile stale style components  set to YES and save. Load one time a phpBB full forum page. So return to ACP and reset to NO, save. This step is needed one time to load the template modifications on phpBB (and any time you edit a phpBB template file to for modifications take effect), but this option should be ever set to NO into an online/production site to save server resources. It is normally set to yes only for testing/devel purpose or to apply modifications on phpBB  templates files.

If you want phpBB email notification links to point to iframe, follow this step about htaccess:

phpBB htaccess for phpBB notification email to point WP forum page (1.6.9>)

to activate the rewrite right click/copy links on iframe, to point to iframe, activate the related code removing the two lines:

/* remove this line to activate htaccess trick
*/ //remove this line to activate htaccess trick

NOTE: to get the iframe to be responsive for ACP phpBB admin panel, read this post.

If any question, use the forum here or at axew3Posted on Categories Wordpress phpBB integrationTags , , , , ,

Configure phpBB
to set cookie available all over domain


it is all into new install help page, sofollow this instead:


do not follow on reading here, follow phpBB side setup into help install page:


To configure phpBB to set cookie to be available all over the domain (and subdomains), you need to setup cookie domain and path into phpBB ACP

Open phpBB Admin Control Panel, go under

Server configuration -> Cookie settings
Cookie domain value should be set like the domain name is: so if your site domain is as in this example, axew3.com, the correct value to set is:
in this way cookies become available all over axew3.com and any subdomain like mysubdomain.axew3.com.

Cookie path setting should be set as a single fraction slash: /

Change the cookie
Save settings.
If changed cookie setting in phpBB in this way, logout, CLEAN cookies from browser, and re-login.

if on localhost, may leave the value as is. If on subdomain, like myforum.mysite.com, set it as above using only domain name mysite.com)

( Older browsers still implementing the deprecated » RFC 2109 may require a leading . (dot) to match all subdomains, so .mysite.com )

NOTE: if cookie setting changed to be available over all domain because it was not, then all phpBB users may need to re-login using new board’s cookie settings: in this case, you may would like to force all phpBB users to re-login in case they saved their session cookie with a ‘remember me login’. This can be done by accessing phpBB ACP main page: check for option
Purge all sessions
Purge all sessions. This will log out all users by truncating the session table.
Click the Run now button.
Be sure that the cookie setting is correct before to execute these steps, or you’ll be logged out by your board until you’ll not reset to the correct cookie domain!

mysite.co.uk OR mysubdomain.mysite.co.uk, correct setting will be: .mysite.co.uk (while if you are on a subdomain hosting plan like mydomain.myhostingprovider.com, than the setting will be mydomain.myhostingprovider.com, but this is a more rare case)