Tag: wordpress

  • WordPress Shortcode: last phpBB topics/posts into WP post


    Vers. 1.0 check all others shortcodes listed under the “common how” to section WordPress phpBB Latest phpBB Topics shortcode how to To add a WP_w3all shortcode, and display a list of Latest updated phpBB Topics into a WordPress post/page, the WordPress shortcode to use is like this: change the topics_number value 5 with the number…

  • Synchronize Buddypress and phpBB user’s profile fields


    WP_w3all 1.7.5 or >

  • WordPress shortcode for comments, widgets and excerpts


    The following add_filter lines of code that will activate shortcode for Posts Comments, Widgets and Excerpts in WordPress, could also be added into your theme functions.php file. Or if you wish, you can add it on WP_w3all plugin (that allow you to show phpBB posts into WordPress) inside the wp_w3all.php file (NOTE: when plugin update…

  • WordPress Shortcode: phpBB posts into WP post


    check all others shortcodes listed under the “common how” to section phpBB posts – WP post shortcode how to To add a WP_w3all shortcode, and display a phpBB post into a WordPress post, choose a phpBB Post ID (note: post ID NOT Topic ID) to display, and add it into WordPress post, like this: Change…

  • WP_w3all for WordPress MS MU (Multisite, Multiuser network installations)


    Configure WP_w3all on WordPress MS MU WordPress MU MS. The plugin can be also network activated, but the linked phpBB on each subsite, need to be the same. If the plugin is network activated, it is mandatory that the sub admin or super admin, setup/configure  into each subsite the same config of the main site…

  • WP_w3all .htaccess and Javascript for phpBB: rewrite URLs to point iframe how to (Spiders friendly)


    Open .htaccess file of your phpBB root folder, search for this line: RewriteRule ^(.*)$ app.php [QSA,L] just below add the follow: #p reserved in WP RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^(.*)(iframe=true&)(.*)(p=)([0-9]+)(.*)?$ RewriteRule . /yourwp/index.php/forum/?%3post_id=%5%6 [R,L] #all others RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^(.*)(iframe=true)(.*)$ RewriteRule . /yourwp/index.php/forum/?%3 [R,L] Change on lines RewriteRule . /yourwp/index.php/forum/?%3post_id=%5%6 [R,L] and RewriteRule . /yourwp/index.php/forum/?%3 [R,L] the relative…

  • How are users identified when you add/transfer existent user
    integration of same username/email users


    Problem: i have WordPress users and I have phpbb users, they have different usernames but the same email addresses. Solutions: user A into phpBB with email C user B into WP with email C user A into phpBB come to try to login WP: NOT added can’t login WP side. If you use the transfer…

  • WPD – w3all
    WordPress Dropbox integration


    WPD w3all WordPress plugin for Dropbox, to display and manage shared Dropbox user’s files into WordPress user’s pages. Display shared Dropbox files, into WordPress user’s pages. Choose between Full Dropbox App or Folder App. Ajax images gallery. Choose which WP groups can use the Dropbox in WordPress. Limit files in sharing to retrieve and display…

  • Embed phpBB into WordPress template:
    iframe responsive how to


    This is the old  iframe procedure.New iframe procedure and code is available here: !!OLD OBSOLETE!! follow link above PAGE HELP – UPDATED on 19 Sept 2018(related views/page-forum.php – updated on 27 Sep 2017)/trunk/addons/page-forum.php Iframe resizer library by: wp_w3all responsive iframe procedure After you’ve built/created the WP forum template page viaWP_w3all phpBB embedded on WordPress Templateoption…

  • Configure phpBB
    to set cookie available all over domain


    OBSOLETE REMOVED it is all into new install help page, so follow this instead: OBSOLETE REMOVED